Monday, July 13, 2020

The 28mm Mandalorian: "The Child"

Once I had painted the Mandalorian for my Star Wars Miniature Battles collection, of course I needed to have The Child to accompany him. Master of all things 3D printed Conscript Byron kindly obliged by printing me several models at varying scales, just to see which painted up and looked the best.
I went for the biggest of the lot, because these models are tiny!

The little fella has some great detail though, especially on the bassinet. Even the interior of the crib is detailed.

I chipped up the outside a bit for somewhat of a worn look.

How cute is this little guy? Files for The Child are available pretty much anywhere you get print files for miniatures (so I'm told) and I'm really grateful to Byron for printing this one for me. Now the only thing left is to have a game... someday...


  1. That's a great addition, amazing detail too.

  2. Great stuff Dallas! And I agree...Byron is ninja-level with that 3D printer...

  3. Great work. The Child will make a great objective in a game.
