Sunday, June 29, 2014

Egyptian Mechanized Infantry HQ - 15mm Fate Of A Nation

Egyptian Mech Infantry company command

Some more 15mm Egyptian kit off the painting line - this is the command element for the Egyptian Mechanized Infantry Company.  There is a command stand and some support weapon teams that are optional upgrades for the unit.

Recoilless rifle team for the Egyptians
Egyptian mechanized infantry company commander - likely one of the worst jobs available in 1967...
There are two LMG teams - I believe they are meant to be RPDs.  I find the assortment of Cold War-era LMGs very confusing - I thought the RPD had a circular magazine, but perhaps it could be belt-fed too? Hopefully someone more knowledgeable fill me in…

LMG team for the Egyptians

Another view of the weapon teams
There is also a single BTR-152 APC for these fellows to cruise around in - you can see this model was damaged, a common problem I have found with these models from Battlefront.  I have painted about five of these so far, and four or them were broken in the package in this way, with a cracked section on the side walls of the vehicle.

Note the chip in the side of the vehicle - I tried to dress it up as battle damage, but it is the result of poor packaging by Battlefront
There are also two recoilless rifle teams, 82mm calibre ("B-40", I believe). All together these four teams can join the mechanized infantry platoon, an enormous collection of bases and vehicles that occupy just a single selection on the Egyptian force organization chart for "Fate Of A Nation"!

This almost wraps it for the Egyptian infantry for now…on to the tanks…


  1. Nice paintjob! I guess the MGs could be PKMs too. They had them in Egypt and at this scale they look quite similar to RPD, but are belt fed and have a slightly longer cartridge on the same caliber than the RPD.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The RPD is in fact belt-fed, the 'drum' normally seen is just a circular belt-box, if you can find a picture of the left-hand side you can see the belt feeding into the gun from the 'drum'.

  4. Looks great, a great looking addition. The basing looks outstanding.
