Wednesday, April 9, 2014

These Are Crazy, Crazy, Crazy Knights

Two weeks ago saw the Big Push by Conscript Greg and me to get our Imperial Knights finished in time for the Knight Showoff at our local Games Workshop. While I took over two weeks to build and paint my model, Greg powered through his in only 5 evenings!

So we met on the Saturday at the GW and dropped off our models - Greg's Traitor Knight "El Booze" and my House Krast Knight. Conscript John C. also came along for moral support.

There were some nice looking Knights there, but one stood out in particular - it had been painted in a camo scheme that looked very much like CADPAT. It looked great - check it out:

We were really impressed by the camo treatment on this Knight.

It actually came a very close second in the voting.

There was a pretty nice "Imperial Knights Companion" coffee table book on display too.


Greg did a great job on this model, and fast!

My Knight with the "fluff card" I wrote for it.
John and I returned to the store later that day to retrieve the models, just as Manager Mark was tallying the ballots. I was fortunate to have my Knight selected (by a margin of just one vote!) to represent the Winnipeg store in the national "Warrior Houses of Canada" competition. Conscripts represent! ;-)

I didn't end up winning the Canadian competition though - I even forgot to vote until it was too late. The winner was a beautifully painted Knight by Kim Nielson of GW High Gate Village. Mad skills on that painter - check out the freehanding on the armour. Noice!


  1. They are all fantastic looking entries though.

  2. I follow that High Gate Village store on FB. That is a great model.

    Congrats again to you for making the first cut!

  3. Very nice models. Is your title a 3 inches of blood reference?

  4. Nothing so esoteric, I'm afraid... just KISS... although I had to truncate it to three "crazies" to keep the title to an allowable length!
