Monday, April 28, 2014

Legion Project - The Front of The Banner

Here is the front of the banner, Millsy!
In my recent post of pictures of my World Eaters Legion command group, I overlooked including a photo of the front of the actual banner on the standard bearer.  Millsy kindly asked in the comments for a picture of the front, so here it is.

I painted this banner to represent the banner of the 4th...what, I'm not sure - company? In 40k Chapters with their ten companies of one hundred marines each, you sort of imagine in your head that there might be one of these banner per company.  In a Space Marine Legion in 30k, with upwards of ninety to one hundred thousand marines in a Legion, how many companies are there? How many banners? The 4th Chapter then...let's go with that.

Naturally,the banner pole has skulls on the case of the World Eaters, though, I thought that made sense...

As I said in the original post, I improvised too much on this paint/decal job, and rather than appear imposing or intimidating, the banner just looks busy.  The front of the banner is actually quite a large space. I would have done better in hindsight to slap a great big frigging Legion symbol on it.  The would better suit the temperament of the World Eaters I think, and appear a bit more intimidating.  But that can wait for another time.  I'll do a better job for the Sons of Horus...


  1. A whole post in response to my request? I must be careful to wield my powers with care it seems. Great stuff mate, it was certainly worth the wait. :-)
