Saturday, December 29, 2012

Madhist Gun "Team" - 28mm Sudan

Madhist artillery piece - 28mm from Perry Miniatures
Another submission to the painting challenge.  This is a little vignette from the Perry's outstanding 28mm Sudan collection, a captured Egyptian Krupp gun complete with captured Egyptian crew and a Madhist overseer/volunteer coordinator.

In colonial games it is usually the Imperialists that have all of the artillery.  But when the Madhists overwhelmed Sudan, they captured a lot of Egyptian artillery, and a lot of Egyptians.  The guns were not major factors in the battles of the Sudan campaign as the Madhist crews - "volunteers" or otherwise - were not very accurate with the weapons, and artillery was not really how the Sudanese rolled into battle.

These guys will end up flogged no matter how things turn out...
This piece has sat in my pending pile for several years, so it is great to finally get this painted.  Having some artillery for the Madhists will make for a fun additional to the colonial battle.

The castings are beautiful - the "crew" even have chains on their legs...
And the "overseer" is perfectly positioned to deliver some motivation...
I figure the completely bonkers air support chart from Bolt Action will do in terms of rules for using this gun - who knows where the shells will land? On the British? The Madhists? Both? Nowhere?