Friday, November 16, 2012

Bolt Action Ruined Hamlet!

Yes, cue the Mel Gibson, Kenneth Branagh and even Keanu Reeves jokes... but it's truly Bolt Action that has the Ruined Hamlet to rule them all.

I picked up the three-house ruined hamlet set at Salute back in May, and have just now gotten round to assembling them. Which is easy - the parts are all bagged for you already trimmed from sprue and even cleaned of flash! All that remains is to stick them together, but that was the only issue I have with the kit...

There's no instructions or diagrams! I know, I know, the kit is infinitely assemble-able, you can put the pieces together however you like, but I would have appreciated a bit of guidance or some firm ideas on how they might fit together. The box art is okay, and there are some small pictures on the back too, but finally I had to screw my courage to the sticking point and just dig in.

So now the kit is assembled, and I have to go get some plasticard to make bases for the ruins. Should be able to do that this weekend and from there it should be a doddle to get these done.


  1. Lots of cover to help the French General squad make another daring escape...

  2. As a matter of fact I just did a mini-photoshoot with the finished buildings and some French! Started to write the post, and storage space issues intervened...
