Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hammer's Slammers - Now with Infantry!

It's been quite some time since I finished painting my Hammer's Slammer's blower tanks from Old Crow, but we haven't gamed with them yest as I lacked any infantry to go along with them. Yes, I'd painted some test models, but once a platoon's worth of GZG NAC Royal Marines had been acquired, the project stalled...

Well, with a burst of energy I completed the platoon this weekend and turned them out for a celebratory photo shoot!

Lots of heavy-weapon toters but that's what I got in the mix of models I bought second-hand ;-)

Note two-tone static grass... embarrassing. I'd done the first group of six using a railway-brand "dead grass" static grass mix which looked fine. But when I finished this group of 26 models I mistakenly grabbed (and used) GW's dead grass mix which is noticeably lighter in colour... [insert curse words].

Solution: go back to the original group and add some lighter grass to their bases; them add some darker grass to the 26 I'd just finished. Sorted! (and I kind of like the mixed colours too)

A couple of sets of missile launcher crews to make opposing vehicles uneasy.

Love the guy checking his iPhone at front right...

I painted the berets red/orange as nod to the Slammers' Dutch/Friesian heritage.

The real power behind the Slammers is, of course, the blowers...

...but there's no reason why these guys can't help out a bit too.

Looking forward to seeing them in action in the near future!


  1. Nice painting, like the idea of two tones of static grass

  2. Good stuff! The figs have just the right atmosphere.

  3. Great force Dallas. Another faction for our unsettled future times! I can see them taking a number of security and "special assignment" contracts from Binary Petroleum, Future Gazprom, AT&T&T and the like.

  4. Nice work! (as usual)

    Something I've seen other people do for Grav/Hover tanks is to mount them on a sheet of 1/8" black foam (about 1" smaller all around, than the 'footprint' of the tank). Then you get that "hover" effect! Worked pretty good on the models I've seen.

  5. Hi looks Super may I ask what scale are they? Thanks

  6. Thanks Greyson! The figures are "true 25mm" models from GZG.
