Sunday, July 8, 2012

Painted Syrian T-55s - 15mm from Peter Pig

15mm T-55 models from Peter Pig
A few more T-55s have come off the painting line, ready for action on the Golan Heights.  These are 15mm models from Peter Pig, and if you have seen any of my prior posts on these, you have already seen me rave about how these are the nicest 15mm models in terms of quality and ease of assembly.
T-55s on the work table
I used GW paints - a combination of old and new - as well as some acrylic craft paints (mostly a dark umber colour as the base for the treads and dry-brushing for weathering).  I also used a combination of the weathering powders on the treads, road wheels, engines, exhaust and the muzzle of the main gun.  I am still getting the hang of these powders, but they really provide a great effect for the vehicles.
I was very liberal with the weathering powders on the treads and over the engine.
I went out of my way to put a lot of weathering on these models, particularly the treads and engines.  I like tanks that look they are out in the field, not on parade.

For the first time I made use of an artist's pen to help with some of the detailing - I used it to fill in patterns and lines on the fuel cans and stowage on the sides of the tank.  It was very handy, and worked pretty well to get some colour on to spots that the brush struggles to handle with as much consistency.

Another shot showing the weathering.
I painted - or more like tried to paint - arabic numerals on all of the turrets.  I don't know what precise system the Syrians used on their armour, but I have seen many colour photos of disabled Syrian tanks with three-digit numerals on the turrets.  I did my best to manage the arabic numerals...

I have ordered bases for my tanks on this project - I haven't based my 15mm vehicles before, but it increasingly seems like a sensible thing to do - extra protection for the model and a bit more symmetry with the based models infantry being good reasons to try it.  It will be some time before the bases arrive,   so my plan is to just continue painting the vehicles until the bases get here - they can be based later on.

The Syrians had overwhelming numbers of tanks deployed for their assault on the Golan in 1973, most of them T-55s.  So five models won't be very many....will need at least as many again (getting close to a company) for a good battle on the table.  But it's a start.


  1. These look great. Do you really think you'll only do up one company of tanks?

  2. those are very nice looking models and great paint job!

  3. Looking pretty sweet. The yellow and green camo looks really vibrant! Nice work on the weathering too. The glass/lens colours really catch the eye! Great work!

  4. @ Chris - probably just one company of T-55s to start, as well as a company of T-62s. Together with the other supporting bits, that should keep the table very busy..

  5. Beautiful work, Dude! Can't wait to roll these guys out for a game.

  6. Great paint job there. One very small point. You've glued the main guns on the wrong way round!
