Friday, May 18, 2012

200,000 Pageviews - Thank You!

Wow, it's only been nine months since our blog passed 100,000 page views, and here we are now having passed 200,000! Amazing, particularly since it took us two and a half years to get the first 100k views. I think it is in no small part due to some controversial GW content we've run in the last few months... but I also like to think that the painting posts and battle reports have drawn some readers too. Although it's always a challenge to keep up quantity as well as quality we'll continue to do our best. Stay tuned for updates on our Rogue Trader campaign, Salute 2012 goodies, a Star Wars game/convention report from Prairiecon, more painting and gaming, and of course ranting about whatever lunacy Games Workshop is sure to come out with this year. ;-)  So thanks, readers, for coming along for the ride!