Monday, April 23, 2012

Rogue Trader Marines - Reinforcements

Reinforcements for Pedro Cantor.
Quick post with a couple of reinforcing models for my small collection of Rogue Trader-era Crimson Fists.  Pedro Cantor's detachment of survivors is a small one, but I think in the fluff it says they ultimately encountered some other Marines who had been previously detached to the New Rynn City area before disaster enveloped the Crimson Fist's fortress-monastery.  With this, I am hoping to expand the current small troop of 15 marines to about 30 (three squads) with perhaps a dreadnought and one or two vehicles.

Two different styles of old-school Marine back packs.
The all-metal beakie marines are great figures, but I boxed myself into a bit of a corner with my initial project by using fancy metal shoulder pads.  I can't keep that up - not only because the metal bits are bit expensive, but because the metal figures are not very easy to convert to use with the current generation of shoulder pads.  That meant trying to paint the Crimson First logo on the shoulder pads free-hand....I suck at free-hand logos, but I thought I would give it a try on these two models.

This classic figure sure makes the bolt gun look heavy...
One marine is carrying a basic bolt gun, and the other fellow is carrying a heavy bolter.  The marine carrying the heavy bolter is an old-time favourite of mine - it was fun to work on this model.  The defenders of New Rynn City will have a bit more firepower.

Inspirational photo of Heavy Bolter Marine from the GW Compendium.

Of all the various heavy bolter models in GW's time, this is my favourite - makes the weapon look more like a SAW-style support weapon.
Finally, a big thank you to the blog readers and followers - thanks to your helpful tips and links, I was able to puzzle out how to assemble the Army Land Speeder. 

This looks pretty close...
Now I just need to figure out how to mount's pretty heavy.  I think magnets may be called for - I suck with those, so we'll see how this goes...


  1. Nice work on the Marines, Greg!

    As for mounting the Speeder, don't forget you can use a broad, flat-head nail in conjunction with a magnet. It makes your magnets go that much further, and you don't have to worry about getting the poles lined up on two magnets! I did this on my 20mm AA trucks for my FoW Canadians and it worked great! Good luck!

  2. That heavy bolter is one of my favorites as well!

    If I remember correctly there is a nice b$w drawing in one of the RT books.

  3. Now I feel dumb - somehow I missed that you had the picture I was talking about in the post...

  4. @ubberdorc - no need to feel dumb - your comment reminded me to make sure it was visible - I wouldn't have thought of that without it!

    So basically I am the dumb one...

  5. Nice work, Greg! That speeder brings back good memories but it sure is a lump, eh?


    PS: France is treating us well - wish you guys were here!

  6. @Greg B. - at least I know I am not crazy...well ok I am crazy but not as crazy as I thought I was.

    I really enjoy this blog. 8)
