Friday, February 24, 2012

Skaven Verminlord

A couple evenings last week were spent painting a Skaven Verminlord. I'd picked up the model in a dire state a few weeks ago locally - it was painted (poorly) and broken. I'd always wanted to add a Verminlord to my Skaven army, though, and couldn't resist picking this one up for a song.  So I broke it down, threw it in paint stripper and repainted it.

Doom Glaive blade painted with Boltgun Metal, washed with Devlan Mud and rusted with Dark Flesh

Photographing models is driving me increasingly bonkers. Flash - colours are washed out with distracting shadows. No flash - everything is blurry. I am hoping the solution is this - I've ordered one and will let you know how that works out...

In the meantime, I'm happy with the Verminlord as a two-evening job. I'm thinking of picking up some more old-school Skaven and painting this guy hasn't helped dissuade me... nor has this blog, about one very talented man's obsession with miniatures from the '80s...


  1. Nice figure Dallas, use the macro and turn off the flash and straight away u will get nice results.

  2. What paulalba said. Though that nice looking light box will also do wonders for your pictures.

    Have you seen the new-ish Forge World Vermin Lord? Wish I had the funds spare to tackle that one.

    Yours looks great though, would love to see more Skaven, expecially the awesome Jes Goodwin sculpts from the 90's.

  3. lightboxes are great, failing that use macro, no flash and photograph in natural light if possible, it really makes a difference.

  4. He looks great! I too love those older Scaven sculpts. Yes, stay away from the flash. Just be sure to hold the camera very, very steady.


  5. Oh, and those lightboxes are great. I picked one up last year for cheap on EBag and it was well worth it. Setup can be a bit of a pain though...
