Sunday, February 5, 2012

All Your Base (can be obtained quite inexpensively)

The mailman cometh...
Most of my 28mm figures are based singly on Games Workshop-style plastic slottabases, either 25mm round or 20mm square. I like the uniformity of these bases and ease of handling figures by them. Problem is I've run out, and with some 28mm projects coming up too!

GW: $11.93USD*
GW pack of 31 round bases, $12*. This includes a 60mm round, 5 each 40mm round and "bike" bases, and 20 25mm rounds: $0.385USD per base (counting each base equally, and ignoring the fact that I neither want nor need large rounds or "bike bases").

Unwilling to pay the extortionate prices GW want for their bases I turned to the global sourcing market in the form of eBay... and found what I consider a deal.

eBay: $13.99USD
eBay pack of 100 25mm rounds: $13.99USD. I don't get any extraneous stuff I don't want or need, and free shipping: $0.1399USD per base. One-third less - purchased on 24 January, arrived on 3 February. Sorted. 

*I converted GW's Canadian pricing into USD to make it an equivalent comparison. Conversion calculated using


  1. Always get all my bases from the E-BAY. Look under BASES for some cool resin bases. Always amazed at whats out there.
