Thursday, June 16, 2011

15mm Sci-Fi Gauntlet Thrown!

Here's the first of the 15mm sci-fi "armies" you'll be seeing completed on the blog.  The models are all from Rebel Minis' "Earth Force Marines" range.  I know some of my fellow Conscripts such as Mike F. have been hard at work on their forces, and I hope that we can have a game soon!

The models are based four to a Flames of War "medium" base for use with Future War Commander.

"Command" types are two to a small base - I have some "higher command" models on the way from Khurasan.

Sniper or heavy weaponeer?

The vehicles turned out reasonably nice I think.  Still need some tactical markings.

Enjoy the pics and come on fellow Conscripts - when are we gonna have a game??


  1. Nice to see that 15mm Sci-fi exists somewhere other than on TMP. Hope to see a battle report soon.

  2. Dude - outstanding! I can't wait to get the move out of the way, so I can get my stuff rolling...

  3. Tomorrow is the last day of the Academy, so hopefully I can get my stuff finished soon.

  4. Nice looking unit. I really like how the armpur matches the infantry bases.

  5. Looks awesome! I need to get to work on mine.

  6. Looks awesome. I ran into a problem with my 15mm stuff. My f**king kittens decided to trash my painting table and run off with a bunch of my infantry.
