Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Statistical Analysis

I thought it might be neat to pause for a moment and reflect on this thing we call the Conscripts blog.

We've been at this now since December 2008.  Since then we've put up over 400 posts (that's about one every two days) - battle reports, game announcements, painting projects, rants, etc., and speaking personally, this outlet has really increased my enjoyment of our silly shared hobby.

Earlier this year, our blog passed 40,000 individual page views (that's "40K" page views ;-) and we just reached 50 followers.  That's pretty cool.  So thanks to everyone who checks out our blog, and special thanks to those who leave comments.  We really appreciate that.  Also, if you think your friends might like this blog, please share it with them, and above all, enjoy your gaming, painting, and collecting!


  1. I find the blog 100% fun. Thatès good enough for me. Thanks to the founders!

  2. Dallas, I think you jinxed it. There haven't been any new posts since this one.
