Friday, February 4, 2011

New Insane Project

I finally got everything together for the 15mm sci-fi project. Everything above comes from the Kaamados Dominion range from Critical Mass Games. I think they're supposed to be a reptilian species. The general idea is that they grow bigger as they age, so you get an interesting range of figure sizes. I quite like the little peons scrambling around the giant battlesuits. As for quality, there was virtually no flash on the figures and the resin vehicles only required a minimal amount of cleaning.
My only problem now is figuring out what to paint them.


  1. That's a pretty cool assortment of an army you've got there. Nice to see the battle-suits compared to something else, it was hard to see how large they really are from the website.

    What kind of bases are they glued on in the photo? They look wooden.

  2. I love Critical Mass' minis. I have a bunch of the Arc Fleet Infantry. What rule set are you planning on using for 15mm sci fi?

  3. Gyro - I ordered the bases from Litko Aerosystems. Most of his bases are laser cut plywood, so he can make pretty much any size and shape. The bases I'm using are the same size as Flames of War medium bases. In fact, they're marketed as such.

    Mike - We're planning on using Future War Commander to start.

  4. Mike - looks great - love to see new insane projects in motion!

    In terms of colours - what were you thinking?

  5. I'm not really sure. I want to stay away from green as I use it in almost every project. Most people seem to be going with desert type colours, but I'm not sure I want to go that direction. Any advice would be appreciated.

  6. Seeing this again, I've started getting my 15's ready for some FWC. How many bases of Infantry and vehicles should I plan for? Cheers.
