Friday, December 31, 2010

Coming in Hot!

I'm madly trying to get some stuff done for the last minute of the Challenge. It's going to be pretty touch-and-go to see what I can finish. Lets just say the house smells like Krylon and Sarah's hairdryer is virtually overheating getting groundwork dry. I'm sure there are a few others doing the same so it will be fun to see what the results are when the dust settles. I'll be posting what I've got completed later tonight. Like 11:59pm...

1 comment:

  1. Good luck, Curt. It going to be a photo finish for the challenge.

    I'm completing my "Banshee" Autarch and the Colonial Marines. The Autarch is going fast for me: ~14 hours for a single 28mm personality fig.

    I think I'll be at the bottom, but at least I'll be on the board.
