Thursday, December 23, 2010

Almost Finnished!

Here's the 28mm Finnish platoon I've painted for the New Year's Day game.  I built and painted the KV-1 on Sunday/Monday and finished the snow bases last night.

For the snow I used Gale Force 9 snow flock applied in the normal way (for me) with one exception: I undercoated the areas to be flocked with white paint.  I'd read that if the flock application turned out "thin" you might see the ground colour underneath and I didn't want that.

So basically I brushed white glue onto the area to be flocked, sprinkled a generous coating of snow flock on, pressed it down lightly with my finger, then blew it off.  Hey presto!  snow.

The KV-1 is in 1/48 from HobbyBoss and was quite inexpensively purchased at a local RC hobby shop (!).  The model went together fine (I left off the photoetched brass though) and was quick to paint: prime black, GW Catachan Green basecoat.  Stipple on GW Deneb Stone, then follow with a stipple coat of Skull White, leaving green showing through in some places.  Paint the national insignia and serial number (Ps.271-1, the actual number of a KV-1 in Finnish service), paint tracks, done ;-)

I've got enough figures for a reinforced platoon per the 1943-44 organization.  Company Command stand, AT squad of nine men, platoon command of four, four rifle sections of nine men each.  All that's missing now is air support... I've painted a bf109 for the Finns and am just waiting.... and waiting... on the decals to arrive from an eBay seller.


  1. Man they look amazing really nice work

  2. Great work!

    BTW, If the decals don't arrive, I can lend you the 1/48 Finnish Yak-3 that I have.

  3. That would be great, Dave, didn't know you had one!
