Sunday, November 28, 2010

Bretonnian trebuchet

After some pressure from Dallas (smack talk actually), I finally finished my scratch built trebuchet for my Bretonnians. It's so damn big that one would assume it must be worth at least 200 points. Try 90!


  1. Very well done, Mike! How does it work mechanic-wise in the game. Does it operate like a normal rock thrower or does it do something special (hurling flatulent peasants, make knights grind their teeth at the shame of using something 'shooty', etc.)?

  2. It's a stone thrower, but more powerful than most (until the new army book comes out at least). I think it's strength is 5(10). And of course a stiff wind will send the peasants running without a knight close by.

  3. You got 6 ;-)

    Looks great - can hardly wait to have some rats squashed by big rocks!!

  4. I like the idea of loading it with peasants...maybe ones that fell behind on tax payments or something...
