Thursday, May 20, 2010

GW Introduces new Greater Daemon - wait...

I don't know what it is about Olympic movements - a unique fusion of excessive involvement by political types, bizarre arts types, sponsors and lots and lots of committee think - but they always seem to have weird mascots. London 2012 has not disappointed.....

Out in time for the new codexes and the latest edition of Fantasy, these models are sure to literally cause fear...

Since these absurd creations are actually being sold soon, I think we need to get some of the correct scale and work them into a 40k game of some kind. Either that, or SpaceKrieg - would love to figure that scenario out!


  1. Just so no one gets confused, The blue one is the Special Olympic mascot.

  2. So messed up...

    Quatchi etc. definitely FTW. The first sign that London 2012 is gonna suck hard...

  3. Maybe Forge World can issue special edition models for 130 GPB each....
