Saturday, August 3, 2024

Some More Legions Imperialis Painting

Tactical detachment and Land Raiders for the Imperial Fists - for GW's Legions Imperialis.

More random painting from the summer, back once more to the (relatively) new "Legions Imperialis" from GW. Here we have another tactical detachment and a pair of Land Raiders, painted in the colours of the VII Legion Astartes, the Imperial Fists. 

The models are...well, obviously, they are very small! But as I have mentioned previously, the detail is really something. Just use caution/patience when assembling them. 

Bog-standard tactical marines, ready to stand for The Emperor (the fools). 

A command stand for the tactical unit. 

The four bases of infantry comprise a Space Marine tactical unit - this is the most basic Space Marine infantry element in the game, taking up a space on the force chart. 

More wee Marines...

The Land Raiders are classic vehicles, and the models are great, although it seems like they can only be taken as an option to carry troops, and not on their own as armoured vehicles. I might have misunderstood the rules - but if this is the case, that is kind of dumb. But then, confusion is easy, given that rules for Land Raiders were not even included in the original set. Peak GW

The classic Space Marine vehicle...a Land Raider. Beautiful little plastic models.

With this second tactical detachment painted, I can at last field a basic "Legion Demi-Company" for the Loyalist side. It's a nice marker to pass, but my painted Legions Imperialis collection is still very, very small, and my pace of painting the models continues to be very relaxed, even languid. 

Second Lander Raider...with a commander in the hatch, just to mark out a command vehicle, should such an identifier become necessary

I am hoping the pace of painting might pick up this fall - but, oddly, I have found that I am enjoying painting these figures and models is very small batches. I don't know that the extra time or attention does much in terms of how they turn out, but, crazy as it seems, it is kind of fun to paint these little plastic Space Marines in batches of two and three at a time, and the little tanks in batches of one and two at the time.

Loyalist armour, ready to clank off toward their inevitable doom in some futile resistance against the Glorious Warmaster...

I have not yet had the chance to try Legions Imperialis, but all of the feedback I have observed and heard from friends indicates that "stuff dies quick", and so my small number of models painted to date would not amount to much or last very long in a game (although this possibly would change if I included groups of Knights or a Titan from my AT18 collection).  But I at least now have two opposing "legal" forces I could put on the table to try the game out for more, maybe in the fall!

That's all for now - thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more random summer painting posts.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely work! I just started an epic Ultramarines army. I'm really enjoying the painting, especially in that I can paint up a full army in epic scale in the same amount of time that it would take me to paint a squad in 28mm scale. It's very encouraging when you feel yourself making that kind of progress that quickly.
