Thursday, August 29, 2024

Skull & Crown Killer Rabbits

Well you can file this under "models I may never use in a game but painted because they are super-cool."  They're "Killer Rabbits" from Skull & Crown. Once the subject of a popular Kickstarter campaign, the range is based on some pretty freaky medieval manuscript illustrations.

Here's a cavalryrabbit mounted on a lion (!)

The set I bought came with a couple of lapine musicians (piper and hornist) a leader-type with a stick, and a rabbit I converted into a standard-bearer, with handpainted flag, naturally.

There are a few sword-armed rabbits too, including one with a wicked zweihander. I painted the middle rabbit's shield with their carrot heraldry. 

The other has a bronze buckler.

There are some bow- and crossbow-armed rabbits too. How they manage to wield these weapons without opposable thumbs must be known only to the medieval monk artists.

The last bunch have clubs and spears.

These models are just so cool and were pretty fun to paint, even if it did take some time. The challenge will be finding a game to use them in. Fantasy skirmish of some kind, most likely - Otherworld Miniature Skirmish? Or maybe even Forbidden Psalm - but these little guys seem altogether too wholesome for that!

1 comment:

  1. These are amazing - great job on them Dallas.
    No doubt, the Conscript spirit will conjure up some manner of game to use them...
