Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Adios Otherworld!

Some sad news from the world of hobbying - one of my favourite companies has ceased trading. Yes, Otherworld Miniatures is no more. Conscript Dave V. shared a recent Facebook post where the company announced this, along with a sale of 50% off their remaining stock... quick as I was to get on it, I was far too late as there was pretty much nothing left.

Fortunately I'd placed an order not long before Prairiecon, and had gotten these two models (the "Brigands II" pack) painted. I do have a few more in the pending pile as well.

Anyway these models were typical of Otherworld, just excellent figures, great sculpts and well cast. Their miniatures skirmish wargame is great fun as well.

Allegedly the moulds are being passed on to other traders so the models may appear again from other companies. I certainly hope so, we've painted lots of their models and they're uniformly excellent. They totally nail the old school vibe that feeds the nostalgia of gamers "of a certain age".

So adios Otherworld, hope to see you again someday.


  1. I've a huge fan of Otherworld and hope that the new owners of the moulds are announced soon.

  2. I had not had a chance myself to paint any of these figures, but can vouch for how awesome they look in Dallas' collection (and many fun dungeon crawls on Thursday nights!). Sad to see them go...
