Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Skeletons and Large Monsters

 More painting progress now for Forbidden Psalm. I finished six skeletons made from the Frostgrave cultist box, a troll and giant worm from reaper miniatures and an old model, which I think was a horror clicks model. It originally came pre-painted, but I primed it long ago in preparation for a new paint scheme. I think I subconsciously painted it the exact same colors it was originally. I tried to find a picture of the model online to confirm this, but have been unsuccessful. This model and the troll will both represent the Puca monster for forbidden psalm, while the giant worm would make a good Great Maw monster. The two Reaper models are made of the same siocast plastic as the dire boars were in my last post. One gripe about siocast is that it’s a bit harder to clean off mold lines. Metal and conventional plastic mold lines can usually be scraped and filed. Siocast doesn’t respond as well to this. I find that is tends to resist scraping or drags off larger pieces of material than intended. Filing also seems to cause the material to clump a bit, damaging some detail. It is comparatively cheap, so maybe this is just a you get what you pay for situation.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Those look great! I just printed a bunch of cards for FP so we will be ready to go :-)

  2. Great stuff Mike. I like how the skeletons in particular look annoyed...
