Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Legions Imperialis - Sicaran Tanks for the Sons of Horus

A detachment of Sicaran tanks, ready to prowl the gaming table in support of the Warmaster's war of liberation...

When you manage to obtain a "Legions Imperialis" starter box, you are likely to really love the models, but maybe be a little...perplexed...at the inclusion of four Sicaran tanks, niche vehicle designs of relatively recent design for GW's "Horus Heresy" setting. Like, why no Land Raiders? Well, whatever...even if it's an odd choice to include in the core starter box, the Sicaran tanks ARE very, very cool vehicles in the 30k setting, and the models are really, really neat. Naturally, given my collection preferences, I opted to paint the first ones I assembled for the XVI Legion Astartes, the Sons of Horus. 

Similar to the Predators, you have choice of weapons for the turret and for the sponsons. The classic twin-autocannon loadout, in addition to providing some terrifying fire support, is also intended (I think, at least) to serve as an AA weapon against flyers in the game. The plasma loadout, meanwhile, give this tank a powerful anti-tank capability. 

A "classic" Sicaran loadout - with a commander in a cupola to signify a squadron leader, should such a marker be needed on the table.

The choice of main weapon can be augmented by choice or either lascannons or heavy bolters for the sponsons. In all, you can opt for a Sicaran that is designed to wreck other tanks, or a more classic Sicaran that is designed to wreck enemy infantry and light vehicles - and (I think) aircraft. With this detachment of four tanks I opted to split the difference, with two each of an anti-tank and more classic anti-infantry weapon selection. 

I think these are called "Omega plasma arrays" (or something, I can't recall exactly) but the main takeaway: big time anti-tank firepower.

Assembly of these models can be tricky - there are some very, very small components on these sprues. All of the usual warnings about building these little models on or near a carpet - especially one of any shade that matches the grey plastic - definitely apply. But as with the Rhinos, and with the Predators, the quality and detail of these little kits is really remarkable, and as long as you are a little careful and a little patient (both areas where I struggle, but still), you are going to end up with a great little bit of 30k kit. 

Another view of the detachment, showing some the detail on the rear deck and engines. 

I might have the terms wrong, I think these can comprise a "medium armour detachment" for the Space Marine Legions, which can be added on to the various formations (such as the Legion Demi Company). And Legions Imperialis holds the promise of letting players use the Sicaran tanks in the fashion they are intended - a fast moving tank option, faster and hitting harder than Predators, but slower and hitting a little less than the various versions of the Land Raiders. 

That's all for now - thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more!


  1. They are great looking tanks, but I get what you are saying about including them instead of the classic land raider in the starter set.
