Thursday, March 28, 2024

30k Imperial Fist Assault Marines

Conformists with jet packs, chains swords and pistols...what could go wrong?

There are always a few efforts that were meant to be included in an edition of the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge, but did not or could not make it for whatever reason. Here we have some photos of just such a project - a squad of assault marines for GW's Horus Heresy setting, painted in the sharp colours of the VII Legion Astartes, the Imperial Fists. These are multi-part plastic figures from GW. 

He's just looking for someone to punch...

While GW is certainly still capable of creating frustration among fans, there is no question that, on the whole, there has just never been a better time to be a fan of the Horus Heresy! These new plastic assault marines, wearing glorious Mark VI "beakie" powered armour were released in 2023 and I was super keen to get my mits on some for my collection. Naturally, the forces of the Warmaster received their reinforcements first...but at least I got there eventually for the Loyalist side. 

Standard issue assault marine...a bit of extra armour across the chest (not that it will save him from the Warmaster's righteous wrath...)

It has been a while since I was last working on Imperial Fists, and I had kind of forgotten exactly how I had landed in terms of taking an approach to painting the yellow. It took a little experimenting to refresh my memory, but I figured it out eventually, and here it is as a reminder for next time - a black base coat, then a thin layer of "Zandri Dust", then thin coats of "Yriel Yellow", edge highlights with "Flash Gitz Yellow", a recess wash with Vallejo Sepia Wash and finally some spot highlights with "Dorn Yellow.

Great poses on these models. 

Fancy jet packs anyone? Love the crazy jump packs on these fellows...

In particular I wash really, really happy with the Vallejo Sepia Wash. This was recommended in the comments section following one of my many posts lamenting the decline of GW's previously-amazing "Agrax Earthshade". The Sepia Wash product is not an exact replacement, but it is much, much, much better than the current edition of "Agrax Earhshade", and it really came in handy painting the recess wash on the armor for these fellows. 

Plasma pistol for fun, because "assault marine" is not a dangerous-enough job already.

In my original post about these figures, I was raving about how awesome they are...and that all still applies. I love these guys. They look amazing. They hit all of the nostalgia zones for the old "Space Marine" game perfectly, and are great fun to assemble and paint. It is just a matter of time until I add more, maybe to reinforce the squads I have done so far (they can be up to 20 models, after all) or even just to have them on the shelf or see how they look in the colours of a different Legion?

Our plasma-wielding friend, joined up with squad, ready for a final stand...

At any rate, these lads are all set to jump into action for the loyalist cause - so polite of them to jump closer to Horus' forces, saving them the trouble of chasing them around in order to cut them to pieces...thanks for reading, stay tuned for more!

1 comment:

  1. That was my comment! Be careful not to use the wash to the end, the last dregs in the bottle tend to gaze up on the minis
