Saturday, April 22, 2023

Sisters of Battle Canoness, Retributor Squad and Rhino!

Metal madness continues with more Sisters of Battle, this time a converted Canoness, Retributor Squad, Sister Superior, melta-gunner, and Rhino. 

First up - the Rhino. This one was built from a boxed kit I'd had in my collection for oh, maybe 10-12 years? It's been modified slightly with GW metal side hatches from the original Immolator kit (found in my bits drawer after purchasing from a stash maintained by a local shop, again maybe 10-12 years ago), front fleur-de-lys emblem and purity seals from Troll Under the Bridge, and resin headlights and book from Wargame Exclusive

The model was painted in my standard Sisters Style - panel highlighting with Vallejo Dark Rubber, edge highlights with Celestra Grey, and light dirt weathering to reflect the late-1990s Games Workshop aesthetic. I used some Dirty Down Rust Effects on the exhaust pipes. 

The book looks neat eh? It's resin, detailed with transfers from the new Adepta Sororitas sheet.

Of course no Sisters Rhino is complete without the hand-painted air recognition insignia on the top hatches. I've left the top hatch unglued so it can be swapped for a turret weapon mount.

Here's five Sisters with heavy flamers making up a fearsome Retributor Squad. Cleanse the unbeliever with fire!

They're painted in my standard Sisters style.

A little bit of dust weathering on the hems.

Of course the Retributor Squad is led by a Sister Superior. I've put flower tufts on her base just because flowers. Also seen here is a melta gunner that snuck into the shoot.

Lastly, here's a Retributor with Multi-Melta. Wish I had a few more of these and some heavy bolter Sisters, perhaps I'll pick some up eventually.

Lastly, the Canoness. When I got the model she was missing her backpack and another special bit, so I took the opportunity to add some aftermarket conversion parts from the Troll. 

The resin icon attached nicely to the top of a Space Marine backpack, with the bunting concealing the join. I like the monocle the Canoness is sporting too. 

Out back there's some more purity seals and a fleur-de-lys from the Troll, and a skull from WarEx. Looks OK I think.

So now the count is up to three Rhinos and 34 Sisters, a good start. Stay tuned for more of course!


  1. Fantastic work on these figures Dallas, the project is rolling along nicely!

  2. These look great! Love seeing the early 2000s going strong!

  3. Still such wonderful and characterful models. Great brushwork, Dallas.
