Saturday, July 3, 2021

"Trick Shot" Rink for 28mm Hockey Players from Northern Lights!

Okay - so a few months ago I posted on this blog about the 28mm resin hockey players from Impact! Miniatures that I'd painted as the Habs and Leafs of the 1975-76 NHL season. Of course, hockey players need a rink to play on, which is where this project comes in.  

Perhaps unsurprisingly, there appear to be few sets of rules for playing hockey with 28mm models. Yes, there are a few ports of Blood Bowl around, but honestly I want something a bit more hockey-specific and not fantasy-oriented.

There is a set of rules called Trick Shot that appeared on a Kickstarter a couple years ago that looked promising. The rules themselves were made available for free on the Internet and looked all right. Of course, with no way to get in on the Kickstarter, one is at the mercy of the "secondary market"...

So anyway, reasoning that someday I'll find a set of rules, I asked Conscript Byron to design a rink to "Trick Shot" specification. And he did just that, through his excellent business, Northern Lights Terrain and Gaming Supplies. Did he ever do a good job!

The kit came unassembled but went together easily. Byron designed the rinkboards very cleverly, using a thin veneer that can easily be bent around the corners. The squares are marked with "+" designs at their corners. Although I'm using the nets from Impact! the goal creases in Trick Shot are three squares across, hence the somewhat odd look. It should play OK though.

So thanks again to Conscript Byron for designing the rink and I hope someday we'll get to play a game with it! 


  1. Dallas - this looks amazing!! And I am not surprised to learn that Byron would have figured out a way to make something like this...hope to try this with you!

  2. It looks amazing all assembled and painted Dallas! Lovely work!
