Sunday, June 20, 2021

Minotaurs Chapter Vehicles

 For Fathers Day I competed 2 vehicles for my Minotaurs Space Marine Chapter. The majority of the army consists of models I already owned and stripped of their previous paint job. However, these two vehicles are new additions to my collection. The Rhino was bought online used and already assembled (there was just one issue that couldn't be corrected). It was missing a few parts, but luckily I have an ample supply of Rhino bits! The second vehicle is the Vindicator. It sports a demolisher cannon and massive dozer blade. The Minotarus are supposed to be siege experts and well supplied with vehicles, so the Vindicator fits the bill. In the current Space Marine meta, I don't think vehicles rate all that high, but since my army is already disqualified from GW events due to every model being covered in 3D printed bits, I don't think the meta matters much.


I really wanted to add that storm bolter in case the Demolisher doesn't do the job!

The left track guard was misaligned due to imprecise fitting of the top hull to the sides. The savings on the used rhino didn't justify ripping the vehicle apart to fix it. I'd have just bought a new rhino in that case.

3D printed bits everywhere!

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Great work Mike!
    Are they actually disqualified from GW events for using those 3D printed accents?

  2. That’s according to the latest outrage on the internet. I’m not sure if they have instituted a shoot on sight order at the stores, but they don’t want you at their sponsored tournaments.

  3. Lovely work Mike. Those look ready for the Sunday cruise down Portage Avenue.

  4. Minotaurs keep their whips in pristine condition! The High Lords of Terra expect nothing less!

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