Thursday, April 2, 2020

Star Wars: Legion - Han shot first!


I painted Han Solo for Star Wars Legion. The figure is sculpted as Han in Return of the Jedi.




The eyes are sculpted as mere slits. I did not bother painting eyeballs. The eyes have nice sculpting around them, what with the eyelids and all that. The pose is excellent. I like how Han torques into his shooting posture. Most other sculpts have his right leg forward as he fires with his right hand; a much simpler posture to sculpt. The newer Legion  models going forward will be injection moulded plastic instead of soft plastic. I am looking forward to seeing what they can do.

Went with a more Star Wars (A New Hope) look for his pants, and painted his coat as more of a duster than a camouflage smock. Airbrushed zenithal highlights, acrylic washes, and artists’ oils to finish the face and for various blending and details.

Now I need to work on R2-D2 and C-3PO to finish off the first family of the original trilogy.


Rebel Scum:


Imperials (aka Space Nazis) :


The current COVID-19 crisis has everyone hunkered down at home. Now that I have over 70 models for Star Wars Legion, I cannot have the Conscripts over to play! However, online vlogger Crabbok has come to the rescue. He has created an AI card system to allow you to play Legion solo!

I fully intend to play a few solo games, and post them to the Fawcett Avenue Conscripts blog. Stay tuned!


  1. Outstanding stuff there Dave! Looking forward to seeing the solo battle reports!

  2. Great work as always Dave, he looks fantastic.

  3. Really great job, I found the eyes difficult because of the recess, but in the end just left them shadowed. One of my favourite posses.
