Wednesday, April 22, 2020

10mm Bavarian Infantry for FPW

Here come the Bavarians! 10mm castings and flag from Pendraken.
More 10mm Franco-Prussian war figures have come off of the painting desk recently.  This post shows five bases of Bavarian infantry - the castings are all from Pendraken. Not much to say beyond repeating what I have said before - 10mm is great, and Pendraken provides the best 10mm stuff I have come across.
Close up of the Jagers.

Another view of the Jagers...great castings.
There are four bases of regular Bavarian infantry, and one base of Jagers.  The Pendraken castings are all outstanding, but I was particularly blown away from the Jagers, which somehow managed to have the marksmanship cords and plume on the helmets on 10mm castings. My brush skills were not the strongest in terms of picking out those details, but wow - just great stuff.

For my initial attempt at "1871", each base will represent a battalion. But of course you can scale things up and down, depending on the scenario, and what rules are in use.

View of the regular infantry from the rear.
As with all of my recent 10mm FPW work, these figures are part of the build up to do the Battle of Wissembourg - some day when we can get together to have a game.  A division of Bavarians took part in that engagement, and with this lot completed I have now finished painting the initial Bavarian contingent in the OOB for that scenario.

The final bits of the Bavarian contingent for the battle of Wissembourg.
The entire Bavarian division awaits orders while massed on my shelf...
The French are already completed, and now that the Bavarians are finished, it is time to focus on finishing the rest of the Prussian contingent for the game. That will involve another eight batteries of artillery, a few more command bases, and another 12 or so infantry bases.  This will take some time to finish, particularly as I still get distracted by other projects and scales, but the Quarantine Challenge is helping me to focus, that's for sure!

Thanks for looking everyone - I hope you are safe and healthy, wherever you are.


  1. Impressive production! Can't wait to see these guys on the tabletop!

  2. Handsome Bavarian infantry Greg, love these blue shades, great job!
