Monday, June 25, 2018

Even More Prussians! Another 28mm Unit Marches Off The Painting Table...

More 28mm Prussians from Foundry! Forward for the King!
Between the arrival of summer weather and a greatly increased pace of work at my firm, my painting production has really trailed off in the past couple of months.  My day-job work can be unpredictable, and the odd period arises where I can't get to my painting in a regular way.  Sometimes that disruption lasts a week or so...but for the last little while, yikes! In the grand scheme of things, this is very positive, as more work is a good thing! After all, I have to pay for these figures somehow...

A change in the posing for this unit - the front rankers are "charging" - gives a nice sense of momentum and menace!
But when I can't get back to the painting desk after a while, I start to stress out. Not only is painting very relaxing, but I worry that I will lose momentum on a longer term project, like the Franco-Prussian War... 

Some of the rifles were a touch "bendy", but for the most part I was able to sort them out...

Close up on the command base...a confident Prussian officer directs his fellows bad can those Chassepot rifles really be anyway?

Unit number four, ready for action on the table...
So it's a relief to have another unit finally march off the painting table! This is the fourth formed unit of 28mm Prussian infantry from Wargames Foundry.  There is a slight variance from the previous three units, in that the front rank of castings in the unit are in a different pose, but the overall effect is pretty similar.  As before there are 20 castings in the formed unit, and four separate individually-based figures to be placed out front as a representation of skirmishing elements.

Painting for the fifth unit is already starting, with the standard bearer finished on the weekend - I also painted up a Prussian gunner for the next artillery piece when the time comes...the flag is from GMB
As with the other units, the flags are from the fine folks at GMB.  I do rather hope they will do some French flags soon...

Prussian Brigade taking shape on my display shelves...
I now have four infantry units and a battery of artillery for the Prussians, and two units and a mitrailleuse for the French.  My goal remains to run some manner of "Black Powder" game set in the Franco-Prussian war.  I have the rough scenario sketched out in my head, just need to get the figures painted!  The Prussians are coming along nicely, and I hope to finish painting the elements of that side of the scenario first before turning back to painting the last French troops (which I will not need so many of for the game).  

We hope to visit our cabin soon, and I have some more Prussian infantry - and some cavalry - in the pre-packing stages to make the trip with me.  If things go well, we could be doing this game in the Fall of 2018...still a long way to go, but with a good pile of castings painted, I'm still feeling the momentum is good even if the pace has slowed drastically. 

Administrative Note:
Thank you so much to those who leave comments.  You may have noticed I have been slow to respond, or not responding at all to comments in some instances.  While work has played a part in this, so have the recent "upgrades" that Google has made to Blogger, courtesy of which I can no longer receive an email about...well, anything.  I used to get an email when a comment was posted, or when my favourite bloggers put up a new, nothing.  Not sure how this is an "improvement", but when the product is free, I guess we are stuck with it...anyway, I promise to try and look more regularly and check for comments and new posts! Thank you!


  1. Great work! The uniforms and models are striking; possibly because it is such a little gamed conflict we don't see very many models for it. I also like the bases; those leafy shrubs, are they from Silflor?

  2. Thanks very much! The tufts are all from Tajima:

  3. Very nice indeed! The colours are very striking and they look grand all standing together..... and standing that close has to help with protection from any advance in guns around that time, right?!?!?!?

  4. Great work. These really are fab.

  5. They're real beauties Greg! The collection continues to grow at a stately Prussian pace.

  6. Absolutely gorgeous Greg! Your Prussians are simply superb. But as a Bavarian, and as we Bavarians by nature are somewhat suspicious of those Prussians, I strongly recommend to add a Bavarian contingent to your force. To stiffen their resolve, you know 😉

  7. I love those old Foundry Prussians - and such a fantastic paint job on them!
