Saturday, January 6, 2018

Plenty of Fist!

There's no end to the jokes with this army, none of which are safe for all audiences.

Here are 2 tanks I finally completed for the I.F Legion. I decided against the all yellow color scheme for the bulk of my vehicles. Yellow is tricky to paint with the method I'm comfortable with, so I've primarily gone with a black color scheme with yellow detailing. I'm also reluctant to paint a school bus! The fluff supports the color scheme, as some of the elite Fist companies are the precursor to the Black Templars (yellow instead of white) and primarily use black. These will be in action of Sunday for our first Battle of Terra game. Dallas has been painting up a few eyebrow raising units for his Iron Warriors (Apothecary squad?) that I don't really have an answer for at this time. Since these are freshly painted, Dallas's 10 man missile terminator squad will likely make short work of these. I need to get that 10 man Lascannon squad ready!


  1. Can’t wait to see these on the table tomorrow! Great work Mike.

  2. Terrific work Mike! I like the use of yellow as a detail instead of the main colour.
