Sunday, March 26, 2017

Onager Dunecrawler Rescue Project

One part of the hobby that I find enjoyable is what I like to call "rescue and rehab". This is where you find a model that's been neglected or abused, and by cleaning up, repairing, and repainting, return it to a state where it can proudly be deployed on the wargames table.

As I've been building a small Adeptus Mechanicus force (in fits and starts), I couldn't resist picking up an abused Skitarii Onager Dunecrawler for a deal... but as it turns out, not enough of one...

The model had been assembled and painted, thickly, in a bizarre colour scheme. The assembly wasn't great either, as the "turret" part had been glued straight down to the hull/legs, removing any poseability to the model. The Dunecrawler also only came with one weapon - the Neutron Cannon.

After getting the piece home, I started to make plans as to what parts I needed to order. I ended up getting an Eradicator main gun, Ad Mech gunner and cupola, comms array, and decal sheet from a trusty bits supplier on eBay. While waiting for the parts to arrive, I soaked the model in SuperClean to get most of the paint off, then carefully sliced off the turret and constructed a rotator assembly. I also cut off the manky cupola and replaced it with fresh bits, and added the Ad Mech pintle servitor. I carefully sliced apart the neutron cannon assembly and magnetized the main gun mount. Lastly, after adding the new parts, I textured the base and primed the model:  

After a lick of paint, here is what we have!

Done up in the traditional Martian colourway to match the Skitarii Rangers and Kastelan Robot maniple I've done already. The hull was painted Mephiston Red and washed with Nuln Oil, then punched up with Mephiston again.

Metalwork is Leadbelcher again washed with Nuln Oil. The gold bits are Brass Scorpion.

The undercarriage is painted Rakarth Flesh, and copious amounts of sponge weathering applied.

Some Leadbelcher applied as chips complete the weathering.

 Lenses are done with a straightforward jewel style. The "racing stripe" on the front hull was laid out with low-tack masking tape and painted in with Pallid Wych Flesh over Celestra Grey in a heavy stipple.

Here it is with the Neutron Cannon. Purposeful enough I guess but I prefer the Spaceman Spiff look of the Eradicator...

I'm really pleased with how the project turned out, even though it probably made little economic sense to do it the way I did. Between what I paid for the basket case model and what I spent on spare parts, I'm nearly up to what the model costs from a discount retailer. But these projects can be fun when you think of what it started as, and what you ended up with.


  1. Top job on this, I also like to reclaim models from ebay and the like. Your dedication is admirable and the final model is fantastic!

  2. Great job Dallas! I know this was more of a "labour" than "labour of love" at times, but the project is a great display of your hobby skillz! And the final product looks great. Can't wait to see it on the table. As a new vehicle, what is the worst than can happen...?

  3. Thanks guys! It is a pretty cool model and I'm happy with how it turned out!

  4. Reading this is like watching an episode of Tank Workshop. Well done!

  5. Wow - is that a thing Dave? That would be so cool...

  6. Wow, what a great save, that original model was dire.
