Wednesday, December 2, 2015

More 30k Command Bits for the Sons of Horus

More command figures for the XVIth Legion
Well, work has been a bit nuts lately (and that's good), and that was followed by some down time to recover from a medical procedure, but I'm back now and continuing with my hobby nuttiness!  The nuttiness has something of a focus, insofar as I ever manage to focus on anything, and that is continued "Legion Lunacy" - more 30k!

Legion marine "chosen" - guards for the standard bearer; I love the fancy bolt guns from the stern guard box set
Up first, some more small-time painting. Prior to the big game we played in October, I had finished off some Sons of Horus command figures in Mark III power armour - a standard bearer, and a Legion Centurion.  To put these on the table, however, I needed to round out a little command group.  In the Legion army lists the standard bearer is accompanied by two "chosen" legion marines, a little bodyguard or sorts.  These marines have some slightly improved stats, but overall are just there to absorb bullets in the place of the Centurion and the standard bearer. This, apparently, is a cool job to have in the Legion...

Old-school plastic renegade great with the Mark III armour...
Embossed shoulder plates, again from the stern guard box; just to reinforce that these fellow are a bit "special"
To add these figures to the force I scrounged up a pair of Mark III troops, and used some bits from a the marine stern guard box as well as a pair of old plastic renegade space marine back packs. The result was great - some semi-elite looking fellows, special enough to get shot in place of their boss or their standard. This will allow the command group to join the Centurion on the table in our 30k games.

Kurtha Sedd - painted instead as a Chaplain for the Sons of Horus
Another little addition for my Sons of Horus forces is a Chaplain.  This is the "Kurtha Sedd" figure which came with GW's newly released "Betrayal at Calth" board game, packed with a number of new heresy-era plastic figures (I expect we'll explore that game a bit in a separate post later).  In the story, Kurtha Sedd is an officer with the Word Bearer's Legion, the bad guys in the new board game, but at the end of the day the figure can painted to be part of any legion.  I thought he would fit in well with the Sons of Horus, so I painted him in the colours of the XVIth. My only change was to shave off some of the skulls, and cram a brass Sons of Horus symbol on the shoulder plate (which I then found was mostly covered by his cloak...oh well).

The new powers he has embraced help keep his cloak white, no matter the state of the battlefield...
The Kurtha Sedd figure is a very nice plastic figure, although cast in such an odd and bizarre fashion that it can really only be assembled in one way.  If you are thinking "hey, that torso would be great with my other marine parts", you are wrong - the amount of cutting you would need to do would render the effort kind of pointless.  All the same, it's very nice as is, and I like the idea of a "Chaplain" being part of the Sons of Horus forces.  I can imagine the spiritual ministrations of the XVIth Legion would be a little odd...

And in fact, while I'm thinking "Chaplain" he can represent many officer types - a Praetor, a Centurion, Legion Champion...there is a lot of flexibility in the fluff, and like I said, a nice figure. 

So Curt's Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge is fast approaching, and this year my focus is going to be on science fiction stuff, and 30k in particular, so stay tuned for more on that...but in the meantime, check out the Painting Challenge - should be nuts...


  1. Hope your on the road to recovery then! Great looking figures and paintjobs

  2. Awesome work Greg! I love that Chaplain figure. He has a look like, 'Hey! Where are your impurity seals?! Never mind.
