Sunday, October 25, 2015

IX Legion "Blood Drinkers" Apothecary

As prep for the 30K mega-game I thought it would be a good idea to paint an apothecary. I'd bought the Forgeworld backpack bit from a UK eBay seller awhile back and just needed to stick it on a figure and get it painted.

Of course I chose a metal RT Medic figure to use; it fits in well with the rest of the Blood Drinkers force and the backpack looks good on him.

Inspiration for the colour scheme came from the old "40K Compendium" that amazingly featured a Blood Drinkers medic!

A nice addition to the IX Legion even if he did get obliterated along with the rest of the Command squad in the first game...

1 comment:

  1. Great job on this figure Dallas - fits great with the overall excellent retro theme of your force.

    His fate was the hands of a Sons of Horus Legion Champion who had, ahem, "borrowed" a paragon blade from somewhere...

    Revenge will await the next game, I am sure...
