Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Infinity - Panoceania test figures

Just a quick post with some test paint jobs on some figures...

Fresh back from GenCon and a family road trip at the end of Aug I was jonesing to paint something, having not touched a brush in about 4 weeks! Worse yet, several days of that time I got to see all the amazing work of the pro-painters at GenCon and got to pick up the brand new Infinity - Operation: Icestorm box set.  So, back in town and needing to do something, I pulled out some of the figures from the box this weekend to do some test colour schemes and paint jobs.

These are the Panoceania Fusiliers that come in the box, which are new upgraded sculpts from the old ones.

As with almost all Corvis Belli sculpts they are extremely clean (almost no mold lines) and fit together almost perfectly without cleaning or filing! 

Having had a chance to watch their studio painter and talk with him a bit at the show, I decided to give some of his airbrush techniques a try on the armor.  While it turned out OK, the shading is way too subtle the way I did it.  Turns out I was worried about being too dramatic and instead went to soft.  Oh well, I know better for next time. 

I am still pretty happy with how they turned out.  Other than potentially the Faces, which I need to bug Dave or Jim to give me some lessons on skin tone to clean them up.


  1. Nice work Byron. I think the faces look good.

  2. Airbrushing armour? Oh man...

    They look great Byron. The figures in this range always have a lot of character, and you really did a great job with them.

  3. They look great, Byron!

    Did you have any trouble assembling the models? That can be a real problem with some models in this line! Some contact points are almost TOO small for pinning!

  4. @Kevin - Yeah, WAY too small to pin! I have found though that their own key-locks provide enough surface area that I have not had issues with just glueing them, no pins required.

    I wish there was room for pins on the big heavy models like the TAGs, but no luck there either. That one I am worried about.

  5. They look ace to me Byron - great job!

  6. Turned out really nicely! The softer highlights make them look a lot more realistic (if you can have that in sci-fi). Didn't know that they were already selling them as I've only received a mail that the preorder is delayed due to so many orders and they won't be shipping out for a few weeks still

  7. These look great, Byron!

    RE: Shading: Yeah, I found that more contrast is better when airbrushing my Sedition Wars armoured figures.

  8. @Samuli - They were selling them at GenCon. They had a couple of huge stacks there Thursday Morning (My guess is about 800-1000) and they were all gone by Thursday by 2pm. I almost missed out as I initially left the box and was going to pick it up later, rather than carry it and then decided better of it. Lucky since 3 hours later the massive piles were all gone! So no one fri-sun could get any. I think they massively underestimated the demand for the new box and the psudo-v3 rulebook in it.
