Friday, November 1, 2013

15mm Russian WW2 AT Gun

Defend the Motherland!

In between painting winter stuff, I finished another piece of summer kit for my summer WW2 Russians, a 76mm gun.  The gun and crew are all from Peter Pig, and the large base is from Battlefront. Again, I have to apologize for the bonky lighting on the photos...the grass is not actually sci-fi-neon yellow on the base...

Used for everything from defeating Panzers to opening ration cans at camp...

Unlike most artillery pieces, this actually makes a bit of sense to have directly on the table top. The Russian army had clouds of these things during WW2, some as light artillery, others as direct-firing anti-tank guns (many probably used as both). 

Tried to paint a few chips into the metal here and there to give a sense the gun had seen some action

As always the quality of Peter Pig is top-notch.  I wish their guns came with more little extras, like ammo boxes or shell casings (which you often get with Battlefront), but overall Peter Pig continues to offer the top overall sculpts on 15mm WW2 stuff.

Prepare to fire on the fascists!

This gun is a little lonely in the collection right now - how often did the Russians ever have just one of anything? I did it as an experiment to see how the Peter Pig artillery pieces looked, and I am pretty pleased, so I will need a few more to round out the battery.  And of course, will need to do a few with winter bases now...


  1. Your certainly making a good argument for Peter Pig


  2. I always enjoy a mini diorama depicting crewed weapons that will be used on the table top, and this is a fine example. I also agree about Peter Pig- great selection of figs and vehicles!
