Sunday, January 20, 2013

Road trip! and 15mm Tomorrow's War batrep

Imagine Games & Hobbies, yesterday
So last Thursday, Conscript Perry hosted the weekly game at his part-time (and very cool) place of employment, Imagine Games & Hobbies in the Exchange district of downtown Winnipeg. Conscript Greg and I brought out our opposing forces (Control Battalion and Earth Force, respectively) as well as some scatter terrain for the game.

I was actually pretty impressed with the terrain board that we got to use at the store - it was a 6x4 board with beach on two sides. I'd just happened to bring out palm trees for the vegetation component so it worked out perfectly. We set up a small urban area around a chemical refinery which was conveniently placed to discharge maximum effluent into the local aqueous ecosystem... 'cause that's the way Binary Petroleum rolls ;-)

I brought out the rusty shanties - still very happy with how these came out...

 ... and Greg brought some very nice Miniature Building Authority middle-eastern stuff, it all looked very cool indeed.

On to the game... the scenario was that the Earth Force had been ordered to take control of the area. Unfortunately the Control Battalion had gotten there first. You can see the CB initial positions in the photo above - CB squad on the roof of the building at centre left, with their MBT behind that. The rest of the CB deployed to the northeast of that position. EF would enter on the road at bottom right. The EF had 10 turns to break the CB force.
EF Merka tank takes point on the drive up "Hell's Highway"...

EF APCs roll out behind the Merka. They take a hard right and cut across to engage the rest of the CB force.

In an exchange of fire with the CB tank, the latter is immobilized but on the next turn the Merka is destroyed as it tries to withdraw out of LOS.

 EF APC comes face to face with its CB opposite number...

EF APC engages not one but two enemy APCs... (second one visible at top right of photo).

Meanwhile the lead EF element's transport has been destroyed.

Dice come up big for the EF in a shot at a CB transport AFV...

... as it is comprehensively destroyed!

EF infantry are pinned down by CB defensive fire.

Meanwhile, EF infantry have deployed and close assaulted the lone CB squad in the building just in front of the CB tank. The assault was successful - the CB squad was outnumbered and already had suffered some casualties from shooting. Hot rolling by the EF carried the day. The victors then went on overwatch...

... to support their comrades across the way, who had set up an assault on the CB in the building at centre.

The CB force had suffered enough casualties at that point that their higher command ordered them to withdraw, leaving the objective to the EF.

Victory for the Earth Force! Kill the planet with toxic emissions!!  Thanks to Perry for letting us play at his joint, it was fun - and especially to Greg for running the scenario and for bringing out his scary Control Battalion guys!


  1. Great batrep, that table does look great.

  2. Thanks for posting the report Dallas, and thanks to everyone who played for their patience! I was pretty rusty with the rules and I think the fellows had some mild headaches while I sorted out the firefights...

  3. Very fun game, and great seeing everyone again. Great miniatures and great terrain and a fun little scenario (even if the firefights left the palyers shellshocked, lol!)
