Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Flying Tanks!

Finished another 15mm army. This one is individually based for action against Greg's Neo-Sov or Control armies. It also serves to drive Dallas up the wall!

Vehicles are all Critical Mass Games. Infantry are Ground Zero Games and the massive battlesuits are from Khurasan's Earthdoom range.


  1. Great looking army! Looks like it can do some damage.

  2. Great paint job. CMG should use your pictures instead of what they have up. They look much better than the ones on the web site.

  3. Looks awesome Mike! How do the Khurasan suits size up to 28mm models? Can't wait to see them in action. Cheers.

  4. Great job Mike! If they could feel anything, I know the Control Battalion would be worried. The pilots of the DOE gunships, on the other hand, are pretty keen...

  5. Mike A - The battlesuits are really well designed for 15mm. They don't match up well to 28mm, but would probably pass with 25mm.

  6. Cracking looking force, Its nice to see how all the figures from the different manufacturers mix together so well.
