Friday, November 23, 2012

Ruined Hamlet Thoroughly Ruined

A few days ago I posted a few photos of the Bolt Action Ruined Hamlet that I'd assembled. Now it's been painted (and used in a game even!) so I thought I'd post some photos of the completed pieces and a bit of a description of how they got there. WW2 French infantry models from Crusader Miniatures will help to illustrate scale.

After assembling the pieces and filling gaps with greenstuff, the models were based on 0.060" plasticard. I bought a package of the stuff from a local hobby shop, and was shocked at the price ($20 for two sheets). Has the price of oil skyrocketed when I wasn't looking???

The Ruined Hamlet kit included a couple of extra rubble piles to place against the walls or in the corners. I used these to fill empty spaces on the bases, by sticking them together and filling the gaps as necessary.

Texture for the bases was provided with copious quantities of texture gel medium. I left some smooth spots in the middle of the buildings for painting in floors later.

The whole thing was sprayed with Krylon flat black paint.

Colour was built up with an allover heavy drybrush of Citadel Mechanicus Standard Grey, followed with Fortress Grey. The plaster bits and lintel stones were drybrushed with Citadel Dheneb Stone.

The wooden roof beams and floors were basecoated with Citadel Scorched Brown and highlighted with Calthan Brown. On the main level floors I painted striped of Calthan over the Scorched Brown to represent wooden floorboards. The wood was drybrushed grey and black scorch marks applied with a large stippling brush. On the floors I went over the scorch marks with stippled Mechanicus Standard Grey.

Some black scorch marks applied to the walls and voila, one Ruined Hamlet reporting for duty!


  1. You can find cheaper sheets of plasticard down at the hardware store. I use the non-textured plastic panels used with a suspended ceiling system. There is only one choice of thickness but its a good one for basing and construction.

  2. "I bought a package of the stuff from a local hobby shop"

    This is your problem; I buy plastic card from an industrial plastics place. Exactly the same stuff; but for the cost of what the hobby stores sell A4 bits for, you get sheets that only fit your car if you fold the back seats down...

  3. Honestly for basing terrain pieces, you are far better off using MDF. It's cheap, pretty easy to work with, (although it does require some sanding) and readily available at any hardware store.

  4. Okay guys, I get it. There are cheaper basing materials than plasticard from a hobby store. Sheesh!! :-)

  5. I really like your ruined hamlet. Great work.

  6. You know...

    Those "Help Wanted" and "For Rent" etc... signs from the dollar store are made of plastic card. Look around for your preferred thickness. Nice handy size for basing buildings.

    Also, floor tiles on blow out are a good source of large bases, and they are a foot square to boot.

    You know who to call to get things cheap.

  7. Dallas - while of course you shopped at the wrong place, these did turn out very nice!

  8. I was going to comment on the building, but now I'm so distraught over how much you spent on basing material that I can't think straight.
