Sunday, October 28, 2012

Wings Over the Golan: Syrian MiG 21

As our readers may recall, one of Greg's many cool projects this year has been to paint some forces to refight the Yom Kippur War of 1973. Greg has painted lots of tanks and infantry for the project, and I wanted to kick in a little escalation to goad him along (and provide another cool toy for our games!)

Quite some time ago I picked up a 1/100 MiG 21 "Fishbed" by Tamiya to paint up for the project. I've had it sitting in primer for awhile and after completing the Slammers infantry yesterday, I pulled the MiG out and painted it.

I'd found the colourscheme on Wings Palette, a Russian website that is my go-to for combat aircraft schemes, and found a plane that was noted as flying in 1973.

Tactical numbers in Arabic were added by brush.

I also freehanded the national markings. Although I had thought that the green roundels had been superseded by red by the time of the Yom Kippur War, Wings Palette indicated that this aircraft remained in green, so that's how I painted it.

This was a fun painting project for a Saturday afternoon and I'm looking forward to seeing it in action over the Golan in one of Greg's fantastic games!

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff Dallas. The Syrians will appreciate the air support!
