Monday, October 22, 2012

DOE Yeah!

Nova Respublik troops prepare to deploy with their latest reinforcements
My first attempts to assemble Khurasan's exciting new 15mm near-future DOE Gunship were less than satisfying.  With the help of Dallas, who pointed out how to mount the tail fins properly (tip - not straight), I was able to finish two of the models and I got them painted during the NFL games this week. As I watch the Lions are struggle to keep up with the Bears tonight (while I write this, Jay Cutler just took a strength 10, AP 1 hit from Ndamukong Suh), I finished them off!  Here are some pictures.

No more f*cking around - serious drill bit time 
Magnetized lapel logo serves as ideal flying base mount
Serious hole for the serious magnet
My original try at magnetizing the model so it would stay on a flight base was insufficient.  The DOE is a healthy size, and a small magnet is not up to the task.  I was done screwing around, so I took out the large drill bit and bored a large hole in the base of the main body, and then mounted the other piece of the magnet on the top of a GW flying base.  These magnet bits are actually courtesy of a local not-for-profit's logo lapel pins, so in a way these models will be gaming for a good cause. I think I probably overdid it a bit, but these things are NOT falling off...

Strong magnets keep the model safe and sound on the flying base
With the basing riddle solved, I had to figure out how to assemble the damn model properly.  As I said, Dallas gave me the right tip.  For my first model I had mounted the tail fins flush to the hull.  This fit the tabs properly into the hull, but was actually incorrect, as the vertical fins at the back should not be straight up, but should tilt inward, so the joining tail piece will fit.  In order to do this properly I had to shave off the tabs a bit so the would fit properly with the main hull. Not enjoyable.

A further bit of stupidity on my part - I put the adjoining tail fin piece on differently on each model - and I didn't notice until I had primed them! Once again, I will never win an award at IPMS in a way, each one is unique...

Half-way point on the painting - waiting for the Agrax Earthshade to dry - check out the mix up on the tail joints...
The fun continued when trying to figure out the wing-mounted rocket launchers.  There are four on each model (two of them are hardly visible - or paintable - once the model is assembled, as they are tucked right in).  As I said in my original post, this model is a blizzard of parts, and it is not very forgiving.  I highly recommend assembling and mounting the rocket pods BEFORE mounting the wings to the hull.  For the record, Khurasan does recommend this too :)

Even when you do this, it will be tricky to make sure the rocket pods are all pointing in the right direction.  Prepare a list of useful swears before assembling this model.

Close-up on the "tarmac" - you can see the casting challenges with the missiles on the wing tip

Khurasan also provides options for the landing gear - up or down.  I went with down - it doesn't look as slick when "up in the air", but gives a little flexibility in terms of having the model land or using it as an objective on the table.  If I ever do another one of these - or if I manage the save the first one I tried to build - I will build it with the gear up.

On the flight bases
There is a very cool sensor mount on the top of the main body
I painted the models with something along the lines of a "sand & spinach" camouflage scheme.  I used some decals (from a British tank division, I think - it's 15mm scale, so I didn't get too worried about that as they are hard to recognize) to give the Gunships unit and tail markings.

Providing air cover for a Nova Respublik armoured column
The DOE gunships buzz an armoured column advancing through a village
I am very jazzed to have these finished.  These models were not simple - there was lots of flash, tricky parts and a great deal of refining needed with a sharp hobby knife.  The surface of the resin bits was a little pock-marked in some places, and had a bit of a rough finish in others that was a bit tricky to paint.
But all the swearing and crayon-snapping was worth it in the end!  Now to get them on to the gaming table, where they can get shot down on the first turn...


  1. You Are The Man! Those look really awesome.

  2. They just look fantastic, love the green canopy, brilliant looking force.

  3. Nothing to add other than to echo the others, this look fantastic. Nicely done.

  4. Tail fin cock-up or no, fantastic models! Great pictures too.

  5. Any chance you could make mine, great work though, really great work!

  6. Fabulous work, Greg! That camo scheme is excellent and I particularly like the canopy colour.

  7. Fantastic work, great painting on a spectacular model. I wasn't aware they had gotten round to releasing it!

  8. Thanks everyone.

    @ Lurker - if I could manage to assemble it, then anyone can. My loss rate was only 1 out of 3 :)

    @ Vladd - it was a suprise to see it finally available after all this time...considering how anticipated the release of the model had been, it arrived with very little fanfare.

  9. Fran - my shipping rates would have been exhorbitant in any case!

  10. Glad it has worked itself out. I can't wait to see them on the table. As always, great work!
