Monday, September 10, 2012

The Unthinkable, Part 3

Over the weekend, I painted the Marines from the blister pack I picked up the previous weekend. These are two really nice models to paint, although I couldn't quite figure out what was going on with the Librarian's hair (psychic hood?). I like how the standard bearer turned out too, still have to enlist Conscript Brian to make a banner for me. I even saw him on the weekend but forgot to ask!

I painted the Librarian in the Sigmar VI Insurgency Force camo that the rest of the army sports. The blue shoulder pad is a nod to later interpretations of the Codex Astartes - but I can confirm that in the Rogue Trader days at least, Librarians wore the same colour armour as their illiterate battle-brethren. I think the sword looks better with the gaps on the back edge filled in.

Painting eyes now - when will the madness end? I think these two are the only Marines in the army with purity seals modelled on, as well. Makes sense as they are "late-RT" or early second-edition models. Fortunately the power armour and boltgun on the standard bearer are the RT-pattern so he fits in nicely with the rest.

So that's these two done - I'll post more pics when the standard is fitted. In other RT news, further to the Poll on the main page, I've ordered Dreadnoughts (yes that's plural...)  :-) 


  1. Why the hell did you inspire me so, yes I've got a few of the old RT space marines and now I,m fighting the eBay gougers to build up a force for the new 6th ed (seeing as I haven't played in more than 15 years plus tells you what I thought of the older rules after 2nd ed and what I think of these new 6th ed. anyway maybe its a trend maybe not but am enjoying it again ( not the pocket though, shese some of these prices they want-madness)
    Cheers and thanks..Love your space orks as well..

  2. Why the hell did you inspire me so!;>} yes I've got a few of the old RT space marines and now I,m fighting the eBay gougers to build up a force for the new 6th ed (seeing as I haven't played in more than 15 years plus tells you what I thought of the older rules after 2nd ed and what I think of these new 6th ed. anyway maybe its a trend maybe not but am enjoying it again, only thing I haven't figured out is what old RT chapter to do, as my old RT had camo fairly similar to your Howling Griffons so I have to look for something different..( the pocket though has taken a beating, shese some of these prices they want-madness)
    Cheers and thanks..Love your space orks as well.
