Tuesday, June 21, 2011

15mm Sci-Fi Vehicles

As you may know, our New Insane Project for the month is 15mm sci-fi.  A few days ago I blogged about my Rebel Minis Earth Force Marines and posted some pictures.  I also started this thread on TMP about the post, and got generally favourable comments on the army, except for one commenter that thought the vehicles weren't up to the standards of the infantry.  Subsequent to that, I went back to Gilles and asked that he do some more work on the vehicles - and here is the result.

Antenna were added using thin wire and painted black.  Gilles said that he started with a basecoat of GW Codex Grey over a black undercoat.  He then painted in the camouflage pattern in Graveyard Earth with an old brush using a stipple method to create soft edges. 

This was gone over with a mix of Iyanden Darksun and Graveyard Earth.  The tracks were painted with GW Dark Flesh.  Missile warheads were picked out in Mechrite Red.

The whole vehicle was given a wash of GW Badab Black.

Gilles then applied some decals from a Flames of War "Afrika Korps" set - tactical numbers and the small round decals that I thought looked good as national symbols for my sci-fi troops.  Gilles had to paint in small white circles on the vehicles first, to show up the negative space on the decal.

Last came some weathering - a drybrush of Scorched Earth around the tracks and lower hull, followed by a lighter drybrush of Bubonic Brown higher up, and some weathering to the decals.  We think they look OK :-)


  1. Nice looking treads, Dallas. The aerials and decals really put them up a notch. Kudos to Gilles - he's a keeper. :)

  2. Great work Gilles - I will have to see if Spencer is up for painting my 15mm guys...
