Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Armies on Parade

Here is my entire Space Marine army: The Brotherhood of Steel. See guys, I didn't melt them down! It's record is fairly mixed. The army seems to have a sweet spot at mid range combat. Long range is difficult to maximize and close quarters is a slow death. As such, I'm feeling pretty good around turn 3 or 4 and then it all goes to hell. Maybe I'll take it to Prairiecon for the apocalypse game Maxx is putting on. Last years looked as though everyone had a painted army.
I have yet to find a suitable use for the Captain, but I like how the conversion turned out.
The Sternguard have the necessary tools to be a powerhouse unit, but only if their support pulls its weight. Some of the heads and weapons are form Chaptereleven house.
I can only blame Cam for the poor showing of the scouts. Oh, Cam.


  1. That is one big can of WHOOP-ASS! Nicely done!

  2. Looking great, I always love a good muster pic. Nice overall army you've got there...

  3. That is a very nice looking force. Bravo. I especially like the interleaving of the green with the metals. The head modifications are a nice touch as well.
