Saturday, April 30, 2011

Armies on Parade: The Great War

After having my Great War armies out on Thursday for the battle of Lens game, I thought I would take the opportunity to photograph them before putting them away again.  So here is one mega-post with both German and Canadian forces.  First, the army of the Kaiser...
New snipers from Great War Miniatures.  Tasty...

Most of the figures are from Foundry's old "26mm" range.

Foundry 77mm field gun.

Granatwerfer by Foundry.

Flammenwerfer team from Brigade Games I think...

Chunky monkey A7V by Old Glory.

Here are the Canadians/British...

Infantry are again from Foundry 26mm range.  Football an added extra for Somme games...

Cavalry from Blaze Away! Miniatures.

Foundry Highlanders.

Cavalry with converted sabres.

Mk IV from Old Glory.


Field gun from Foundry.

Owls knitted by my wife.  Just to see if you're paying attention ;-)


  1. Owls... Everyone is found of owls...

    You really a great WW1 collection. Very impressive.

  2. Love both the soccer ball and the owls.


  3. what scale are the owls...?

    (Nice Great War Toys, by the way!)
