Sunday, December 19, 2010

Da Red Barun

Here's the completed GeeBee racer Ork Fighta conversion in all its gun-toting glory ;-)

This photo was taken of the first iteration of the tactical markings on the fuselage.  The markings are actually lightly etched into the plastic so you don't have a lot of choice about incorporating them somehow.  The kit provided a decal in red but I tried painting the markings in white... I didn't like that much so I used the kit decals and just lined the numerals.  Better.

"Da Red Barun" sighting in those big gunz... looking forward to taking on some Guard or Space Marines...


  1. This came out real well. Are you making just one, or a whole squadron?

  2. Thanks! Hadn't planned on building any more... I think one will be sufficient for our Rogue Trader games!

  3. We just need to figure out Flyer rules for Rogue Trader that won't have us gouging our own eyes out...

  4. That's so creative. The dice roll of "11" on the side makes it even more special.

  5. Great looking plane. The red paint scheme is appropriate.

  6. Evil Sunz clan icons would have looked better than anachronistics red stars,

    either them or "go fasta" arrows from the Kult of Speed!

  7. The red stars are the symbol of my army, the "Red Star Boyz".
