Thursday, October 7, 2010

Swing and a miss...

They exist only to inflict pain, misery GW Dark Eldar. Swing and a miss, in this one person's completely subjective view. Particularly disappointing Incubi, which inspire a Sauron-goes-to-the-red-light-district-and-then-to-bat sense...

But hey - sometimes the universe needs to be pointier. I remember back when I went to 40k events the Dark Eldar were a popular choice, and not just because they came with the box, so regardless of my subjective views, chances are these are going to inspire someone. Perhaps the new models will drive a comeback for this faction.


  1. Only thing I can see therei s possible conversion bait for other projects. For example, that skiff of their might convert nicely to a sky galleon for 15mm Martians.

  2. I actually like the new line. I used to have Dark Eldar and, foolishly, traded them away some years ago.
    My favourite figure is Lilith Hesperax:

    Eh, who am I kidding, though? The new Craftworld Eldar is what's making my cake rise:

  3. I don't see myself getting any, but I like the new figs much more than the first incarnation of the Dark Eldar. They're very animated for one thing - the previous figs were pretty static!

    If they actually had some DECENT vehicle (rather than "Pirate" skimmers!!), I might be more interested in getting back into them. But then again, they ARE supposed to be more of a "raider" force anyway...
