Sunday, September 12, 2010

ECW Regiment of Foote

I've been settling into my hobby space in our new/old house and have been slowly unpacking stuff that has been squirreled away in boxes for years. Anyway, here is an old chestnut. A regiment of English Civil War foot using Redoubt castings which I painted, cripes, about 10 or so years ago.

If I recall correctly I think this is supposed to be Allen Apsley's Regiment of Foote (composed of Royalists from Devon, Dorset, Somerset and Cornwall). These castings are advertised as 28mm but are really closer to 33-35mm. They're kinda anachronistic and quirky but I quite like them. I've always enjoyed the look of the 'hedge' of pikes, intermixed with loads of company banners, with the sleeves of shot on either side. The excellent banners are from Brian. I pipped-out a boatload Redoubt stuff in an ebay auction and it remains on a side burner as one of those 'retirement projects'. Who knows maybe I can entice Greg to get into this with me?


  1. That looks pretty cool, but I'm a long, long away from ECW right now. Need to finish my Elysians first, as well as the Nappies, and I have a couple of New Insane Projects on the side too...

  2. That's Ok. Like I said, its a retirement project.
