Friday, July 10, 2009

The Fawcett poll - help us set up our next game

Today we are excited to introduce a new feature to the Fawcett Avenue Conscripts' Blog - a poll!

For our first poll, help us plan next week's game. Dallas will be staging a Zombie battle. We all know the Zombies are out for brains, but the survivors still have to look to other needs in the midst of a Zombie Apocalypse.

What should the participants fight the Zombies - and each other - in order to retrieve? Gold? Ammo? Iphones? Be sure to get your votes in!

Results will be posted next week.


  1. I like the iPhone idea. Once their forces get the potato, maybe the controlling player can hand them out to his surviving models who then get a randomized benefit/advantage (based on the apps loaded in particular iPhones).

  2. A Rogers rep pimping iphones who also happens to be immune to the virus?

  3. Zombie Ted Rogers - immune to head shots...

    If we go Iphone, maybe we should have the different factions representing telecom carriers (MTS, Bell, Telus). Maybe some mutant Telus geckos....

  4. Subsidiary I know, but zombie dogs for Fido.
